• Blog

    7 saker jag hade på min att göra i december…

    Baka lussebullar

    I ett försök att få en julkänsla (vad än nu det är) så köpte jag hem alla ingredienser för att baka lussebullar med vaniljfyllning. Skönt att knåda med händerna, låta degen jäsa två gånger och sedan skjutsa in i ugnen. Fyllde lägenheten med en vaniljdoft men hade ingen aptit att äta mer än en bulle när disken var färdig. Känslan av jul den kom aldrig…

    Gå till kyrkan och tända ljus

    En känsla av att nollställa sig själv, är det bara jag som känner så? Gå in i kyrkan, tända ett ljus, sitta en stund på en bänk och titta upp mot glasfönstren. Försöka tänka ut en bön men allt som kommer ut är tack.


    Jag tog min vanliga runda på årets sista dag och njöt så mycket av att det forfarande var grönt gräs ute och frisk luft. Några timmar senare var allt täckt av snö.


    Bokade en sista minuten pedikyr för att få bort gellacken från oktobers solsemester. Det är alltid lika konstigt att sitta i massagestolen och titta ner medan någon annan tar hand om mina fötter. Jag är dock tacksam och nöjd med att få bort den rosa färgen och att jag har råd att betala för en sådan tjänst.


    Blev det här hemmapasset med Yoga with KassandraYoutube! Nice att inte behöva gå till en studio men inser att jag har ändrat min yogastil och vill helst ha ett snabbare flow nu. Gillar när man får insikter om sig själv.

    Koppla av – gör ingenting

    Absolut det är jag bra på men jag tror att jag menade här att låta saker vara exakt som de är. Inte manipulera för att få som jag vill. Inte försöka kontrollera situationer för att de ska ändras utan bara låta saker och ting vara som de är. Misslyckades under mellandagarna då jag rök ihop med min mamma varannan minut. Att bli helt zen under julen kanske är för mycket begärt speciellt när det sammanföll med min egen månadscykel.

    Visualisera framtiden

    Hav, en strand och en egen fruktträdgård. Jättelätt sak att göra kan man tänka men för mig är det svårt när hjärnan känns tjock av höstens alla Excel-filer och Powerpoint-presentationer. Att vara ledig gör gott för själen och drömmarna…

  • Blog

    Make November Great Again

    En lista inspirerad av Flora.

    Hur var november?

    Den var ovanligt bra vädermässigt. Det var varmt för att vara november. Jag slapp dra fram vinterjackan, vilket är ett plus. Att komma hem från en solsemester den 31 oktober var det bästa och sämsta beslutet jag tagit i år men överlag har jag nog mått bra.

    Månadens jobb

    Trötthet och omotiverad. När man inte känner sig uppskattad på jobbet så går tyvärr motivationen ner för att prestera. Så är det i alla fall för mig och det är nog hög tid att se sig om för andra möjligheter.

    Månadens lyx

    Att få sina naglar fixade på salong som fått mig att undra varför jag har väntat så länge med att addera den vardagslyxen till mitt liv. Ytligt ja, men om jag ska romantisera vardagen och överleva ett kontorsjobb så krävs humörhöjande lyx till. Att inte packa matlåda hör också till den kategorin.

    Månadens streaming

    Har jag ens tittat på tv den här månaden? Ja men det har jag ju. Fastnade för “Hjälp vi har köpt ett franska ruckel” på SVT med Brita. Hon är otrolig som kan sälja in en sån idé och sen göra riktigt bra mys-tv av det. Blir inspirerad och vill ha henne som bästa vän. Såg Josephine Bornebuschs film på Netflix Släpp taget. En bra film som fick tårarna att forsa, fick se den i två sittningar på grund av att första halvan var så dyster.

    Månadens plagg

    Det enda som räddar mig från att frysa ihjäl på kontoret är en långärmad topp under alla tröjor. Vet inte om produktiviteten blir hög när man fryser eller om företag bara snålar med värme men jag vet att jag avskyr att frysa.

    Månadens böcker

    Ta min hand har jag kvar att läsa sen oktober, kommer inte ge upp på den men har tyvärr inte haft läsfokus. Hjärnan har varit upptagen av att tänka…Börjat lyssna på The Mystic Jesus av Marianne Williamson innan jag sover, tyvärr somnar jag inte av den på grund av hjärnan igen. Böcker jag lagt till på min lista är Lev kreativt av Julia Cameron och den ser jag fram emot att kanske börja läsa nu i december.

    Månadens köp

    Hade köpförbud hela november men jag fick handla mat så klart. Vill alltid ha köpförbud, blir så enkelt att inte köpa något då och jag slipper veligheten.

    Önskningar inför kommande månad

    Kan vi ställa in julen? Skojar. Inte.

  • Body

    Where does the love disappear?

    I miss you. I miss us. I miss walking around old town talking about nature. About people. About a better world. Using our language. Talking in a way only we understand. I miss your adventurous side, the wild part of you. The longing in you that wanted to be free. I hope you are free. I hope you are wild. I hope you are in nature, wild and free. 

  • Mind


    Letters not sent.

    Text messages not read. 

    Feelings not received.

    Emotions not expressed. 

    Thoughts not shared.

    Love not anymore.

  • Spirit

    You and I

    You say just do and I say think.

    You advance and I retreat.

    You think it is easy and I say it is hard.

    You want to play and I want to pause.

    You try and I give up.

    You let go and I am stuck.

  • Mind


    Once she was carrying me around this earth waiting for the moment to birth me.

    Now I walk around wondering where I should bury her.

    One day she was excited I took my first steps.

    Today I worry about her taking her last steps.

    When I was a baby she must have wondered who I would become.

    At times I wonder who she was when she was a child.

  • Spirit

    Manifesting or alignment…

    I found that every time I write what I want with an intention and clarity it manifests in my life. Getting it out there. Black on white. Stating clearly what you want makes the universe ready to work its magic in your life. Writing the things you want on a piece paper has great power.

    We manifest all the time whether we are aware of it or not. The process to manifesting things into reality is always the same, you have to visualize it into fruition. The steps on the way from thought to reality can take as little or much time as it takes you to align to your vision. If you firmly believe and trust that the thing you desire is coming it will show up on your doorsteps before you had the time to blink your eyes. When we question and second doubt ourselves and keep looking for the thing to arrive, it will take longer. The hardest part is to let go of the desires and trust that it will come back but often when you do it works like magic and shows up instantly.

    The steps to manifest your desires: (Remember that the trick is letting it go with the trust even though you don’t know how to get it.)

    Feel joy.
    Feel it.
    Get clear.
    Crystal clear.
    Lotus position.
    Let go.
    Be certain.

  • Body

    My body, my choice. Period.

    This world is making no sense right now. I see no logic in the decisions that are made daily that impact all humanity. There is no understanding left between human beings, a divide has been made. It feels like we are at war and I don’t know why we are all fighting instead of uniting.

    For so many years we have worked on making the world a better place. Tried to heal what was once broken. We tried to make right what was wrong. We fought for equal rights for men and women. For all cultures to feel accepted and the freedom to be whoever you want to be and love who you want to love. History teaches us this.

    Somehow we always end up right where we started and we begin fighting with one and other again. We want to decide what the others do. We want them to be like us. We want to force them to make the “right” decisions like us. That is not freedom. That is not love or concern for the other. That is fear trying to control the choice of others. Human beings in groups love to feel accepted, so many comply without knowing why. Many feel like it is better to be on the “safe” side of the group than to stand alone. I get it, I understand that the need to belong can be strong. It is easier to have the support of others than to feel like the black sheep who is laughed at and ostracized. It is scary how powerful the group mind can impact people’s choices. Alienating and pointing fingers at others who are not like us to feel safe is weak. It is not what the solution is for making this world a better place.

    I don’t know if that will ever be the case on this planet if we always find reasons to make ourselves more righteous than others. If we never let people make their own choices about their bodies and their lives we will never allow ourselves to be free. That goes for both sides, for all involved. We have to allow everyone make their own choice of what is right for them. We are born into this life with free will, we have the right to decide over ourselves. We are meant to be free in all shapes and forms. In our minds and our bodies, we are free to be whoever we want to be.

    Like always, I know it is darkest before dawn. We are at the birth canal right now trying to get out of the womb. That means a lot of pain and screaming, but I trust that healing is coming. Love is coming, the pain will heal and we will unite again because freedom is our birthright.

    And so it is.

  • Body

    Holding space…

    In the yoga community, they often talk about the concept of holding space. For so long I didn’t understand what that meant but I was drawn to the expression and liked the way it sounded. Learning what that means took me some time but I guess you can say holding space feels like you open up space and time to just let your feelings be validated, not judged, or changed. Just letting them show up to the surface and be noticed. It is allowing your voice to take over and letting the truth come out. Letting your emotions be there, whether they are negative or positive.

    Communication is the key to any relationship but what happens when you feel like you aren’t being heard? When all you do is listen to other people talk on and on about their lives. Well, then it might be time to question the relationship and redefine your rolls.

    If you are a nurturer who cares for people and wants to hear about their problems it can sometimes get overwhelming to have deep relationships with people. Hanging out with friends who won’t stop talking about their own problems can feel draining. You might feel like you can’t express your emotions and end up feeling alone in that relationship.

    That is when you have to put up boundaries and let people know you won’t be their therapist anymore. It might be hard to draw that line and make that change but you deserve a friend who actually holds space for you.

    I get that everybody feels like their problems are the worst and the biggest but sometimes I feel like telling everybody else to shut it. I try to always listen to other people and I validate them by hearing them out and letting them rant. But there is a difference between being a good listener and being a dumping place for people’s anxiety. Sometimes those people only come to you when they want to chat and hear their own thoughts out loud. They don’t really care about your opinion or what you have to say, they just want someone who listens to their sad stories.

    Taking space

    I have realized that oftentimes I feel drained and low after spending time with a person who doesn’t let me talk. Partly it is my fault because I give up my own power and let them take control over the conversation. But a part of me wishes they would have the decency to ask how I am doing. The truth is that if I don’t take the space to be heard in return no one will give me that time to speak my mind.

    Giving that gift to others is how you build a strong relationship in my opinion. That is what a good friend or therapist does. They hold space. They give you permission to be yourself, open, and free.

    There is nothing better than having a friend who listens to what you have to say. A friend who just listens doesn’t talk about their own perspective or give you advice but just sits still and listens. The only time they interrupt you is to ask questions to make sure they understand you fully. It is rare to find that kind of person who can sit with you and your emotions without judgment. Having that person who just sits with you while you speak is what holding space means.

    The magic of it is you can start by giving it to yourself by showing up for yourself and your emotions. You can journal and free-write to see what comes up. Use the concept of holding space to start taking your own power back. Allow yourself to fully express your emotions and then it just might get easier to ask people to hold space for you when you are ready to speak.

    I would love to hear what your thoughts are and how you deal with communication issues in your relationships. Let me know in the comment section below.



  • Spirit

    Questions to wake up your soul…

    Here are some questions to make you feel connected to your highest self. Journal on them, discuss them with a friend you trust, or simply just meditate on the answers and get closer to yourself. Answer one at a time or all at once, make sure to take your precious time. Create a sacred space for yourself to feel your feelings and answer the questions from your heart.

    It is perfectly okay if you don’t have all the answers or if some questions are hard to answer. Just invite honesty, love, and patience to see what comes up for you and see if this practice works for you…

    How are you doing in your life right now? What are you feeling? What are your emotions making you feel? What do you think they are trying to explain to you? What makes you sad? What makes you happy?

    Can you tell when pain is trying to tell you something? Do you feel safe? Are you trying to make peace with your past? Where are your thoughts going? What are you giving your time to? Who are you giving you time to?

    What are you devoting your life to? Would you be okay if today was your last day on earth?

    Do you feel stuck? How can you get unstuck? Are you living your dream life? How can your life get better?

    Who is supporting you in life? Who can you give support to?

    How is your physical body doing? What is going on with your heart? What do you feel in your mind? Do you trust yourself?

    Where are you going? Who is with you on your road? What are your dreams? What do you need right now?

    Who do you love? Who loves you?

    Who do you talk to when you’re happy? When you are sad, who do you go to?

    What are you longing for? What are you waiting for to happen?

    If you feel like sharing your answers or have any thoughts you want to share please comment in the section below. I would love to hear what comes up for you.

