


The word of last week was; positive. So, if you are craving some daily affirmations, follow along and choose to be positive.

Spring is making me feel all sorts of things, I feel alive, I feel optimistic and I feel positive. I have this fresh spirit that is making me believe in myself and again which is saying a lot of since the last year I kind of gave up on everything I wanted. I realized that I have new dreams now and I can’t make them come true when I am holding on to the old ones. I need a new way of thinking. I also need to let go of the negative self-talk that has been trying to kill my vibe since I was a teenager.

So today I let go. The truth is I have been letting go for a while but emotionally and spiritually I felt ready to let go today. I let go of all those old thoughts that I have been holding on for a decade. My wishes and beliefs about what I thought was good and what I wanted back then are not serving me in the present. The truth is I have new aspirations now. I have bigger goals and I can’t go into the future with the old way of being. I am not the girl I used to be. I am a woman now and I need to start treating myself like one so that life can match up to my needs. I need to show up as my highest self so that I can serve this world better.

I feel positive about this sweet ending because I know there is a fresh new beginning that is waiting for me to come alive. What do you feel positive about right now? Spread some good vibes down below and let me know what you look forward to manifesting into your life.



I practice yoga. I eat organic food. I write.

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