

January |FOUR

This weeks theme is to forgive. If you are craving some affirmations, you can follow along with the ones we used in the affirmation series. I choose to forgive.

Another week has passed by and another month almost over. I had a very calm week where I focused on my mind and getting back on track with my positive thoughts. I have felt connected and it has been nice to feel some clarity about everything going on around me.

A lot of that guidance came from forgiving myself for everything in the past. I feel a shift almost immediately when I choose to forgive. For me, it feels energetical and it is a very subtle movement that happens on the inside. It is like an AHA-moment and the body just relaxes when it happens. Sometimes it takes a little while longer to feel the transformation but when it happens you will now. It can feel like you are a different person and it is like you change your perspective all of a sudden and see the truth. The shoulders go down, the tongue drops, the forehead relaxes, and the breathing changes to a more calm and deeper form. From there you can start over in a clearer way and with a stronger set of thinking.

I encourage you to forgive yourself or anybody else in your life and just notice what happens. Give yourself permission to feel again and let yourself off the hook! I promise you will feel better if you do. Leave a comment in the section below if you are ready to forgive yourself.



I practice yoga. I eat organic food. I write.

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