

January |THREE

The theme of the week is LOVE. If you are craving some affirmations, you can follow along with the ones we used in the affirmation series. I choose to love.

So, how was your week? I had a lovely week where I got a little bit of everything. I actually reached out to some friends and hung out with them without feeling like an alien. It was nice and I felt a little human again.

Lately, I have had so much self-doubt and I have been second guessing everything in my life. I feel like I can’t control anything and every time I get close to a goal it just disappears right in front of me. I have been spending a lot of time thinking of the past and while it is good to reflect on your own history it can also feel a bit stressful. I often get stuck thinking about all the wrong choices that I have made and the opportunities I missed out on because I wasn’t strong enough to pursue my dreams at the time. This is not a healthy way to live and I know that dreams change and sometimes things don’t turn out the way we wanted them to. Just because I haven’t reached my goals yet doesn’t mean that I am a failure. I guess I have been looking back all this time and trying to find what I did wrong in the past so that maybe I could fix it now. The truth is I don’t want to be that person I was before I went through all the things I did to become who I am today. There is a reason for everything that happens in life and even though we don’t understand what that reason is, it can still have a purpose somewhere along the way. There will be times in the future where I will doubt myself but instead of looking back I will gaze forward and focus on the now.

Being a human being can sometimes feel exhausting and I guess that is why we are created with the ability to love. Sometimes it is easier to give love to other people than it is to receive love. I really hope you have somebody in your life that loves you or that you love, whether it is a pet, a friend or a parent. For me, self-love is my number one priority right now and that means I take care of my body, mind, and soul by loving who I have been, who I am, and who I am becoming.

Being loved feels amazing. It is like getting a warm hug on the inside. How would you describe what it is to feel loved? Please leave a comment in the section below and share some of your thoughts.



I practice yoga. I eat organic food. I write.

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