


Last weeks theme was; patience. So, if you are craving some daily affirmations, follow along and choose to be patient.

When life is moving fast all the time, we seem to expect things to come in to fruition at the same speed it takes for us to push a button and send an email on our smartphones. Life has its own timing and can’t be rushed whether you want it to or not. This is one of the hardest lessons to learn when we are trying to change our lives.

The day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit.

I have been really good at staying patient when things are not working out for me the way I want it to. I know that everything happens for a reason but sometimes I can’t find the faith to believe. When things take too long to manifest in my life, I get impatient and start to doubt myself. This is often what keeps me from reaching my goals and makes me stop the process.

Last week I had one of those moments where I felt like nothing is changing and the things I want are never going to come into my life. It took some tears and meditation to remember that I have to be patient and let go of the tension I am holding around my dreams. If I am always uptight, wondering, and thinking about when it is going to come, time will move slow. When we obsess about the goals it ruins the natural process of the transformation from thought to reality. When we let go, things come back to us. Let go of the thought and you will get back the desire of whatever it is you are trying to manifest. There is a line from the book, A Course in Miracles that sums up this lesson in a perfect sentence, it goes;

Those who are certain of the outcome can afford to wait, and wait without anxiety.

To wait for something means that we know that the dreams will come true and it doesn’t matter when they come. When we are certain that they will show up there is no need for doubting. To learn how to wait without anxiety is the key when it comes to making dreams come true. It is a hard lesson to master but with practice, it gets easier. Next time you are struggling with something, remind yourself of this and try to adopt that thinking into your life. Practice letting go and stay cool no matter what happens.

How do you stay patient when things aren’t working out for you the way you planned? Let me know in the comments below and share your best tips for keeping your head cool!



I practice yoga. I eat organic food. I write.

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